马龙探案卷四 之 正确的凶案 九
Mona McClane sat in a high-backed chair near the fireplace, her head thrown back against its cushions, her eyes closed. There was something oddly Chinese about her dress, with its long, straight sleeves, its high-throated, close-fitting collar, and the intense blue of its heavily brocaded silk. She wore an exquisitely carved white jade medallion on a long, delicate silver chain, and a dozen slender, white jade bracelets. Her black hair was cut short, with a heavy bang falling over her pale forehead; below the bang her gamin face was very white, save for the wide, odd-shaped scarlet mouth.
At first Malone believed her to be alone in the room and walked toward her. He was halfway across the rug when a loud voice startled him.
“Hey, you. Keep out of the way.”
He looked up, and saw a young man lying flat on his stomach on top of one of the massive bookcases. The young man glared at him balefully.
“You stay right there, whoever you are.”
“我是约翰?J?马龙。” 律师说,“我很乐意站在这儿,但是为什么呢?”
“I’m John J. Malone,” the lawyer said, “and I’ll be glad to stay right here, but why?”
“因为我在给她拍照,这就是为什么。” 上面传来的声音告诉他。他把马龙见过的最小的相机对准了莫娜?麦克莱恩。
“Because I’m taking her picture, that’s why,” the voice from above told him. He aimed the smallest camera Malone had ever seen at Mona McClane.
“别理彭德利。” 莫娜?麦克莱恩一动不动地说。“他马上就拍完了。”
“Don’t mind Pendley,” Mona McClane said without moving a muscle. “He’ll be through right away.”
“我才不会呢。” 年轻人烦躁地说。过了一会儿,他以一种连空中飞人表演者都会羡慕的敏捷身手从高处爬了下来,站在那儿摆弄着他的相机。
“I will not,” the young man said peevishly. A moment later he climbed down from the perch with an agility a trapeze performer would have admired, and stood fiddling with his camera.
“这是彭德利?泰德韦尔,马龙先生。” 莫娜?麦克莱恩说。“他是个摄影迷。”
“This is Pendley Tidewell, Mr. Malone,” Mona McClane said. “He’s a camera addict.”
“我还以为他只是喜欢高处呢。” 马龙温和地说。年轻人一声不吭。
“I thought maybe he just liked high altitudes,” Malone said mildly. The young man said nothing at all.
To Malone he seemed at least ten feet tall, now that he was down on the ground level, and exceedingly thin. He was dressed informally in corduroy trousers, a stained tan sweater, and sneakers. A heavy lock of straw-colored hair fell over his bony, freckled face. Malone guessed that he was barely out of his teens, if that.
“就当我不存在。” 彭德利?泰德韦尔最后说。“就继续表现得好像我不存在一样。我想拍一些非常自然的照片。”
“Just pretend I’m not here,” Pendley Tidewell said at last. “Just go on acting as if I didn’t exist. I want to try for something very natural.”
Mona McClane waved Malone to a chair. The young man seemed to disappear.
“很高兴再次见到你。” 莫娜?麦克莱恩说。“杰克和海伦分手了,真可惜。” 她的声音里带着恰到好处的同情和遗憾。
“It’s good to see you again,” Mona McClane said. “What a shame Jake and Helene have split.” There was just the right touch of sympathetic regret in her voice.
Malone murmured something polite and nonmittal.
她伸手拿了一支烟。“我真的觉得他们太般配了,不适合幸福地结婚。” 她说。在马龙还没琢磨出这句话的意思时,她又接着说,“不过,幸福的婚姻是很难得到的。我自己就非常幸运。我所有的婚姻都很幸福。”
She reached for a cigarette. “I really thought they were much too well suited to each other to be happily married,” she said. Before Malone had puzzled that out, she went on, “Still, a happy marriage is something very hard to attain. I’ve been extremely fortunate myself. All my marriages have been happy.”
“杰克是 ——” 马龙刚开口。
“Jake is—” Malone began.
“别动。” 一个响亮的声音从他脚边传来。
“Don’t move,” said a loud voice right under his feet.
The lawyer looked down and saw the six feet of Pendley Tidewell twisted around the small table by his chair. The tiny camera was held to his eye, and his head was almost on Malone’s knee.
Malone didn’t move. He resisted an impulse to pat the young man’s head. After a moment Pendley unwound himself from the end table and bounded to his feet.
“非常感谢,马龙先生。我以前从没给律师拍过照。” 他咧嘴笑了。“莫娜跟我讲过你的事。”
“Thanks awfully, Mr. Malone. I’ve never photographed a lawyer before.” He grinned. “Mona’s told me about you.”
Malone relaxed and mopped his brow. “I didn’t know lawyers were so hard to snap.”