第129章 卷25

“I hope you’re right,” Helene said. “She’s a nice girl.”


Malone said, “He hasn’t enough evidence to hold her for the grand jury and he knows it. He doesn’t know any more about who murdered those two guys than we do. Trouble is,” he added gloomily, “he knows about as much.”



“Malone, could anybody have slipped into the house and murdered him and gone away again?”


“Not unless he went down the chimney,” the lawyer said. “And Christmas was over ten days ago.”


“Then either Lotus or Louella White or Ross McLaurin or Pendley Tidewell or I murdered him. Take your pick.”


Jake scowled at his gin. “Are you sure he was alive when you passed his door?”


“Positive. Besides, Malone knows he was alive when he telephoned his office.”


“That’s right,” Malone said. “That fixes the time of his death to the minute. Maggie always makes a note of the exact time when calls e in; we’ve found it damned useful sometimes in faking alibis. It was nineteen minutes after four.”


“At nineteen minutes after four,” Helene said, “I was in my room changing my dress. Ross was in his room, cold as a fish. Lotus—tell me Malone, what if she did murder him?”


“Temporary insanity,” Malone said, waving to the bartender as though he were the jury, “or self-defense. Don’t worry, I’ll fix it up.”


“She might have known him before he came to Chicago. After all, we only have people’s word for it that he was a perfect stranger to everyone except Mona McClane. Lotus might have been trying to keep her origin from Ross McLaurin so she could bring about wedding bells, and this guy knew all about her and threatened to spill the soup. So she stabbed him.”



“She did a nice neat job of it,” Malone said. He called, “Three small beers for chasers.”


“Helene, what are you going to do about her?”


“Spring her from the can tomorrow, if nothing happens meanwhile.”


“And then?”


“Then I suppose I’ll have to find out who really did the stabbing before von Flanagan gets sore at something and arrests her again.” He looked alternately at the gin and the beer, deciding which to use as a chaser. “I’ll spring her first. Then I’ll just spit on my sleeves and roll up my hands and go to work.” He paused. “Roll on my hands and spit up my sleeves.”


“Never mind,” Helene said, “I liked it better the first time. Then you don’t think she did do it?”


“Hell no,” Malone said, “I’ve never thought so.” He downed the gin and ignored the beer.

